Red Sox NASA STEM Day & Chandra’s 25th anniversary

Before the first pitch of the Red Sox game. Dr. Cady Coleman.

Before the first pitch of the Red Sox game on June 5th, over 3,000 local New England students were treated to a morning of STEM (“science, technology, engineering and math”) programs for the Red Sox NASA STEM Day. As local representatives of NASA in New England, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), including Chandra, had a huge presence and helped to celebrate the Chandra telescope’s 25th anniversary!

Dr. Kimberly Arcand presented Chandra’s latest discoveries on the jumbotron with gorgeous Chandra images.

Astronaut Dr. Cady Coleman, mission specialist on the Space Shuttle Columbia on July 23, 1999 that launched Chandra into orbit, was the keynote speaker. She was also a guest on NESN (the network that airs most Red Sox games) pre-game show. Dr. Kimberly Arcand presented Chandra’s latest discoveries on the jumbotron with gorgeous Chandra images. There was a special astronomy video segment with Wally (the Red Sox mascot), question-and-answer sessions with the school children as well as the Red Sox players, a moon jump contest, bottle rocket launches, Chandra trivia and an educational booklet of activities.

With Astronaut Dr. Cady Coleman.
The Chandra booth.

The Chandra booth was set up with staff volunteering and sharing materials ranging from 25th anniversary handouts to 3D prints to sonifications and more. Other SAO and NASA booths at the Red Sox STEM day included TESS, Parker Solar Probe, and more.

-Megan Watzke, CXC

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