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Q& A: Black Holes

Who is involved with the analysis of the black hole at the center of our galaxy? Who will be in charge of naming this object?

Radio astronomers Bruce Balick and Robert Brown found a strong source of radio waves in the direction of the galactic center in the early 1970s. They called it Sagittarius A*, to distinguish it from a nearby source called Sagittarius A. In the early 1980's, a team led by Charles Townes of UC Berkely used infrared telescopes to obtain evidence for a 3 million solar mass black hole, from the motion of gas clouds. In the 1996, a team led by Reinhard Genzel of the Max Planck Institute in Garching, Germany used improved Infrared detectors on an optical telescope in Chile to strengthen the case, as did a group led by UCLA's Andrea Ghez. See and Science 267, 65, and 68 and 85 (7 Jan 2000 issue), which can be found online at:

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