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The Universe - Rated R!

Some of the most violent and catastrophic activity in the universe is happening not only at your local theater. Violence and catastrophic activity is a naturally occurring event in the universe. With available technology, scientists can study some of the most violent and catastrophic events and their remnants ever recorded such as supernova, black holes, colliding galaxies, etc. How do scientists and astronomers observe these events and what do they "see"?

Your Task: Imagine you are a documentary film producer for a 12 part public television documentary series on The Amazing universe. One of your programs will be titled, "The Universe-Rated R!" Before the program is produced, you must research the content of the program, and prepare a draft script, including visuals. The content must be appropriately presented so that a general viewing audience, age twelve and older, can understand it. This segment of the series will include:

  1. A "hook" that will engage your audience in the topic.
  2. A brief overview of the constantly changing universe including what we mean by "violent and catastrophic events".
  3. An explanation of how scientists gather data and information about these objects/events.
  4. A more detailed look at one of these objects/events including an explanation of what scientists are learning as they gather data and information from available technology. This should be presented as a "story" of a particular cosmic object or event.
  5. An ending that captures the viewer's imagination and the impact and importance of these scientific and technological developments to both the general public and the scientific community.

Your product can take the form of a storyboard, PowerPoint presentation, script outline, or an actual video production. Remember this is a pre-production draft- you do not have to include every fine detail of the program. It must contain a general narrative that captures the content of the program and at least 3 supporting visuals. You may create your own visuals or use visuals from available sources. Include citations for your research at the end.

Good luck – Public broadcasting networks are counting on you to make this an award-winning series!