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In cooperation with Space Scoop: Bringing news from across the Universe to children all around the world. Universe Awareness and the Chandra X-ray Observatory

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ULX in M51 ULX in M51
  For Kids: Beaming with the Light of Millions of Suns

Jupiter Jupiter
  For Kids: Jupiter's Great North-South Divide

CXO J101527.2+625911 CXO J101527.2+625911
  For Kids: Chasing a Runaway Black Hole

Chandra Deep Field South  Chandra Deep Field South
  For Kids: Our Deepest View of the X-ray Universe

Pluto Pluto
  For Kids: Seeing Pluto with X-ray Vision

GJ 3253 GJ 3253
  For Kids: Is the Sun Really a Giant Pokèmon?

Abell 1033 Abell 1033
  For Kids: Rise of the Radio Phoenix

NGC 6388 NGC 6388
  For Kids: The Teeny Tiny Planet Destroyer  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

Abell 2597 Abell 2597
  For Kids: Weather Forecast Predicts Rain Around Black Holes  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

Sagittarius A* Sagittarius A*
  For Kids: Megaflares Shed Light On Our Black Hole  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

NGC 2207 NGC 2207
  For Kids: Galactic Get-Together has Impressive Light Display

Kes 73 Kes 73
  For Kids: The Most Attractive Stars in the Universe

Circinus X-1 Circinus X-1
  For Kids: Supernova Blast Provides Clues to Age of Binary Star System  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

Coma Cluster Coma Cluster
  For Kids: Growth of the Coma Colossus  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

Sagittarius A* Sagittarius A*
  For Kids: Beyond the Horizon  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

NGC 1232 NGC 1232
  For Kids: A Colossal Cosmic Crash  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

HD 189733 HD 189733
  For Kids: Goodness Gracious, Great Ball of Fire!  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

NGC 2392 NGC 2392
  For Kids: Circus in the Sky  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

G1.9+0.3 G1.9+0.3
  For Kids: The Big Explosion No One Saw  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

SGR 0418+5729 SGR 0418+5729
  For Kids: A Flare for the Dramatic

4C+29.30 4C+29.30
  For Kids: The Invisible Universe Exposed  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

NGC 6240 NGC 6240
  For Kids: I Can See Your Halo

NGC 602 NGC 602
  For Kids: The Galactic Empire

Kepler's Supernova Remnant Kepler's Supernova Remnant
  For Kids: The Star That Lived Two Lives  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

47 Tucanae 47 Tucanae
  For Kids: The Mysterious Afterlife of Stellar Giants  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

W49B W49B
  For Kids: A Study in Supernovas  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

  For Kids: Beautiful But Deadly  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

Vela Pulsar Jet Vela Pulsar Jet
  For Kids: Did Somebody Call the Ghostbusters?  [ PLUS PODCAST! ]

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