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Scoring Rubric: Point of View

Scoring Criteria 1
Attempted Demonstration
Partial Demonstration
Proficient Demonstration
Distinguished Demonstration
Content Knowledge
Students' understanding of the different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Student attempts to describe at least 2 components of EMR from the images. May contain errors. Student partially describes at least 3 components of EMR from the images. May contain minor errors. Student clearly and accurately describes the 4 components of EMR from the images. Student clearly and accurately describes, in detail, the 4 components of EMR from the images and may include a description of other components as well.
Data Interpretation
Students' ability to analyze and interpret EMR data.
Student attempts to interpret and/or synthesizes data gathered for the task but interpretation is incomplete, or contains major flaws and may omit a conclusion. Student partially interprets and synthesizes data gathered for the task and makes a conclusion. There may be minor errors. Student accurately interprets and synthesizes data gathered for the task and makes a valid conclusion. Student accurately interprets and synthesizes data gathered for the task showing insight or sophistication in the interpretation and conclusion drawn.
Students' ability to use visuals, such as charts and maps, to communicate information.
Student attempts to use one or more visuals but they are ineffective or flawed in communicating information. Student makes use of one visual to effectively communicate information. Student makes use of two visuals to effectively communicate information. Student makes detailed use of two or more visuals to effectively communicate information.
Students' ability to present their findings clearly and effectively.
Student attempts to communicate conclusion although it may not be comprehensible or appropriate to the targeted audience. Student partially communicates conclusion effectively although some parts may not be comprehensible or appropriate to the targeted audience. Student communicates conclusion effectively to the targeted audience. Student communicates conclusion precisely, clearly, and effectively to the targeted audience.