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Scoring Criteria |
1 Attempted Demonstration |
2 Partial Demonstration |
3 Proficient Demonstration |
4 Distinguished Demonstration |
Content Knowledge
Students' understanding of the different portions of the electromagnetic
Student attempts to describe at least 2 components of EMR from the images. May contain errors. | Student partially describes at least 3 components of EMR from the images. May contain minor errors. | Student clearly and accurately describes the 4 components of EMR from the images. | Student clearly and accurately describes, in detail, the 4 components of EMR from the images and may include a description of other components as well. |
Data Interpretation
Students' ability to analyze and interpret EMR data.
Student attempts to interpret and/or synthesizes data gathered for the task but interpretation is incomplete, or contains major flaws and may omit a conclusion. | Student partially interprets and synthesizes data gathered for the task and makes a conclusion. There may be minor errors. | Student accurately interprets and synthesizes data gathered for the task and makes a valid conclusion. | Student accurately interprets and synthesizes data gathered for the task showing insight or sophistication in the interpretation and conclusion drawn. |
Students' ability to use visuals, such as charts and maps, to
communicate information.
Student attempts to use one or more visuals but they are ineffective or flawed in communicating information. | Student makes use of one visual to effectively communicate information. | Student makes use of two visuals to effectively communicate information. | Student makes detailed use of two or more visuals to effectively communicate information. |
Students' ability to present their findings clearly and effectively.
Student attempts to communicate conclusion although it may not be comprehensible or appropriate to the targeted audience. | Student partially communicates conclusion effectively although some parts may not be comprehensible or appropriate to the targeted audience. | Student communicates conclusion effectively to the targeted audience. | Student communicates conclusion precisely, clearly, and effectively to the targeted audience. |