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Video Series: Black Holes

Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.

A Tour of GRB 140903A (07-19-2016)
Gamma-ray bursts are some of the most powerful explosions in the Universe.

- Related Links:
--  Chandra Finds Evidence for Violent Stellar Merger

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A Tour of VLA J2130+12 (06-27-2016)
Astronomers have found many black holes both here in our Milky Way galaxy and beyond.

- Related Links:
--  Clandestine Black Hole May Represent New Population

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A Tour of Black Hole Seeds (06-02-2016)
The new results suggest that at least some of the supermassive black holes in the early Universe formed through this direct collapse method.

- Related Links:
--  NASA Telescopes Find Clues For How Giant Black Holes Formed So Quickly

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A Tour of ASASSN-14li (10-23-2015)
When something, like a star or a planet, wanders too close to a black hole, it is usually not good news for that object.

- Related Links:
--  Destroyed Star Rains onto Black Hole, Winds Blow it Back

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Tour of Sgr A* (09-28-2015)
At the heart of the Milky Way galaxy, there is a supermassive black hole that has the mass equivalent of some four million Suns.

- Related Links:
--  Milky Way's Black Hole Shows Signs of Increased Chatter

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A Tour of SGR 1745-2900 (05-15-2015)
A new study reveals that the X-ray output from SGR 1745-2900 is dropping more slowly than for other magnetars, and its surface is hotter than expected.

- Related Links:
--  Magnetar Near Supermassive Black Hole Delivers Surprises

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Tour of Sagittarius A* (01-12-2015)
Over the years, astronomers have learned many things about Sagittarius A* and it continues to surprise and intrigue scientists to this day.

- Related Links:
--  NASA's Chandra Detects Record-Breaking Outburst from Milky Way's Black Hole

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