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Introductory Trailer to Chandra
In Florence, Italy, in the year 1609, the world changed. Using a small
telescope, Galileo proved that the Earth is not distinct from the universe, but
part of it. And he showed that there is much more to the universe than we
see with the naked eye.
Est enim GALAXIA nihil aliud, quam innumerarum Stellarum coacervatim consitarum congeries.
In the twentieth century, astronomers made another revolutionary discovery – that optical telescopes reveal only a portion of the universe. Telescopes sensitive to invisible wavelengths of light have detected microwave radiation from the Big Bang, infrared radiation from proto-planetary disks around stars, and X-rays from explosions produced by black holes. On July 23rd, 1999, the most powerful X-ray telescope ever made began its exploration of the hot universe. Chandra, exploring your universe.
Credit: NASA/CXC
Produced by I.Albinson, Script by W.Tucker, Directed by: K.Arcand, Coordinaton by A.Hobart
Image and motion graphic credits: NASA/CXC/A.Hobart; NASA/STScI & G.Bacon; NASA/JPL-Caltech & R.Hurt; ESA/Hubble, IAU & ESO (M. Kornmesser); NASA; NASA/WMAP; NASA/GSFC SVS/D.Berry; Google Earth; Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642 BHC2700 © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London; Mockmoon2000; Eckhard Slawik; NSF/NRAO; CFHT/J.-C. Cuillandre & G. Anselmi; NOAO/AURA/NSF/T.A. Rector & STScI/AURA/NASA
Music by Frank Ippolito; Narration by Chris Camilleri; Galileo narration by: Félix Riaño