We have consistently documented best practices and outcomes of Chandra's Communications & Public Engagement program and its activities and projects in journal articles in peer-reviewed publications such as the journals Science Communication, and Communicating Astronomy with the Public.
For detailed project information and evaluation results, see also the reports pages for:
Journal Articles |
Arcand, K.K., Jiang, E., Price, S., Watzke, M., Sgouros, T., Edmonds, P., Walking Through an Exploded Star: Rendering Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A into Virtual Reality. Communicating Astronomy with the Public. Submitted. Smith, L.S., Arcand, K.K., Smith, B.K., Smith, R.K., Smith, J.K., Bookbinder, J., "Capturing the Many Faces of an Exploded Star: Communicating Complex and Evolving Astronomical Data," JCOM Science Communication Journal. Dec. 2017. Arcand K., Watzke, M., "Pioneering Paths to the Universe" PanEuropean Networks: Science & Technology, issue 24, p128. 2017. Arcand K., Watzke, M., DePasquale, J., Edmonds, P., "Bringing Cosmic Objects Down to Earth: An overview of 3D modeling and printing in astronomy" Communicating Astronomy with the Public. issue 22, p. 14. 2017. Rector, T., Levay, Z., Frattare, L., Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., "The Aesthetics of Astrophysics: How to Make Appealing Color-Composite Images that Convey the Science" Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2017 Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., "Launching Light: Beyond the Bulb, for the UN's International Year of Light 2015" Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal, Issue 18, p.12, 2015. DePasquale, J., Arcand K.K, Edmonds, P., "High Energy Vision: Processing X-rays" Studies in Media and Communication, Vol 3, No 2 (2015). Smith, L. F., Arcand, K. K., Smith, J. K., Smith, R. K., Bookbinder, J. (2015). Is That Real? Understanding Astronomical Images. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 7(5), 88 - 100. Smith, L.S., Smith, J.K, Arcand K.K, Smith, R.K, Bookbinder, J., "Aesthetics and Astronomy: How Labels Affect Understanding and Appreciating Deep Space Images," Curator, 58:3, 2015. Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., "Here, There & Everywhere: Science Through Metaphor, Near and Far" Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal, issue 15, July 2014. Smith, L.S., Arcand K.K, Smith, J.K, Smith, R.K, Bookbinder, J., Watzke, M. "Examining Perceptions Of Astronomy Images Across Mobile Platforms" Science Communication Journal. March 2014. Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., Rector, T. Levay, Z.G., DePasquale, J., Smarr, O. "Processing Color in Astronomical Imagery," Studies in Media and Communication, December 2013. Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., "From Earth to the Solar System: A Case Study for Public Science Events," Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal, issue 13, April 2013 http://www.capjournal.org/issues/13/13_20.php Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., "Creating Public Science with the From Earth to the Universe Project," Science Communication. September 2011; 33 (3) http://scx.sagepub.com/content/33/3/398.abstract. Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., Smith, L, Smith, J.K "Surveying Aesthetics & Astronomy: A project exploring the public's perception of astronomy images and the science within," Communicating Astronomy with the Public. Issue 10 December 2010. http://www.capjournal.org/issues/10/10_13.php Smith, L.S., Smith, J.K, Arcand K.K, Smith, R.K, Bookbinder, J., Keach, K. "Aesthetics and Astronomy: Studying the public’s perception and understanding of imagery from space," Science Communication Journal. August 2010. http://scx.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/07/01/1075547010379579.abstract?rss=1 Arcand, K.K, Watzke, M., "Bringing the Universe to the Street: A Preliminary Look at Informal Learning Implications for a Large-Scale Non-traditional Science Outreach Project," JCOM Journal of Science Communication. Vol 09, Issue 02, June 2010. http://jcom.sissa.it/archive/09/02/Jcom0902%282010%29A01/ Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., De Pree, C., "Exploring the Invisible Universe: A Tactile and Braille Exhibit of Astronomical Images," Communicating Astronomy with the Public. Issue 8, pp 15-17, June 2010. http://www.capjournal.org/issues/08/08_15.php Arcand, K.K, Watzke, M, "On the Journey From Earth to the Universe," Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal. pp10-13, November 2009. http://www.capjournal.org/issues/07/07_10.php Young, D. "Ice Core Records – From Volcanoes To Supernovas; & "Pulsating Variable Stars and the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram," The Earth Scientist, Volume XXVIII, Issue 1, Spring 2012. http://www.nestanet.org/cms/sites/default/files/journal/Spring12.pdf |
Conference Proceedings & Posters |
Arcand, K.K., "International Public Science Programs as Grassroots Science Diplomacy" Science & Diplomacy, AAAS, May 2015. Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., Fletcher, J., Scalice, D. ""From Earth to the Solar System": Public Science Exhibitions for NASA’s Year of the Solar System," Astronomical Society of the Pacific "Connecting People to Science" Vol. 457, 2012. http://www.aspbooks.org/a/volumes/article_details/?paper_id=34184 Slane, P., Slane, R., Arcand, K.K., Lestition, K., Watzke, M. "STOP for Science! - A School-Wide Science Enrichment Program," Astronomical Society of the Pacific “Connecting People to Science” Vol. 457 2012. http://www.aspbooks.org/a/volumes/article_details/?paper_id=34229 Arcand, K. K.; Watzke, M.; Smith, L. F.; Smith, J. K. "The Aesthetics of Astronomy: Exploring the Public's Perception of Astronomy Images and the Science Within," Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XX (ADASSXX) Evans,, I.N, Accomazzi, A., Mink, D.J. & Rots, A.H. (eds). Vol 442, p179-187. 2011. http://aspbooks.org/a/volumes/article_details/?paper_id=32882 Arcand, K.K., Lestition, K., Watzke, M., Steel, S, De Pree, C. "The Invisible Universe: A Tactile and Braille Exhibit of Astronomical Images," American Astronomical Society. 2010. Watzke, M, Arcand, K.K, "From Earth to the Universe": IYA2009 Cornerstone project, XXVIIth IAU General Assembly conf. proceedings. 2009. Arcand K.K, Smith, L, Smith, J.K, Holterman Ten Hove, K. Watzke, M, Smith, R.K. "Aesthetics and Astronomy," Astronomical Society of the Pacific conf. proceedings. 2009. Watzke, M, Arcand, K.K, ""From Earth to the Universe": A Worldwide Exhibition of Astronomical Images," Astronomical Society of the Pacific conf. proceedings. 2009. Smith, L, Smith, J.K, Arcand K.K, Smith, R.K, Holterman Ten Hove, K. "Aesthetics and Astronomy: How Experts and Novices Perceive Astronomical Images," American Psychological Association conf. proceedings. 2009. Watzke, M, Arcand, K.K, "An Overview of "From Earth to the Universe" in the International Year of Astronomy 2009," Astronomy Society of the Pacific. 2008 Evans, G. Christensen, L.L., Arcand K.K. & Watzke, M., "Taking the Public From Earth to the Universe," UK NAM 2008 Evans, G. Christensen, L.L., Arcand K.K. & Watzke, M., "From Earth to the Universe - the Liverpool Prototype Exhibition," JENAM 2008 Arcand, K.K, Watzke, M, & Christensen L.L, "From Earth to the Universe: Image Exhibitions in the International Year of Astronomy 2009." Communicating Astronomy with the Public. 2008 Arcand, K.K, Watzke, M, "Maximising the Mileage from the Chandra Podcasts." Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 2007 Watzke. M. Arcand, K.K, et al., "From Athens to Around the World: Taking the Cap2007 Image Exhibit to IYA2009," Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. Arcand, K.K, Watzke, M, Christensen L.L, Zoulias, M, "The Universe from Earth: A Cornerstone for the IYA2009," Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 2007 Lestition, K, Arcand, K.K, Edmonds, P, Watzke, M, "Opportunities for Scientist Participation in Chandra Education and Public Outreach," American Astronomical Society. 2007. |
Other |
Watzke, M., Arcand, K.K., "The Universe Brought Down to the Streets: The "From Earth to the Universe" Project," Mercury magazine. Volume 39 #1. Spring 2010. (excerpt: http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/mercury/39_02/watzke.html) Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., "Connecting with our Universe: From Earth to the Universe." Spark: The AAS Education Newsletter, American Astronomical Society. 2010. Arcand, K.K, Watzke, M, "Bringing the Universe Down to Earth." Sky & Telescope's Beautiful Universe 2009. Watzke, M, Arcand, K.K, "From Earth to the Universe: Bringing the beauty and science of astronomical images to the World," Mercury magazine. 2008. Arcand, K.K, "Chandra Public Science Share-a-thon," (PDF) Arcand, K.K. (Sept 23, 2015). |
Presentations (slides) |
Arcand, K.K., Edmonds, P., Lestition, K. Chandra X-ray Observatory Public Communications and Engagement (PDF) Arcand, K.K., "Public Science: Astronomy in Everyday Situations" Arcand, K.K., "Here, There, Everywhere" Arcand, K.K., "How to color the Universe" Arcand, K.K., "Spanning the Spectrum with Public Science" Arcand, K.K. and Watzke M, "Public Science: From Earth to the Solar System" Arcand, K.K. "Evaluation Methodologies" Arcand, K.K. "Public Science: Taking Astronomy to the People" Arcand, K.K. "Distributed curation and global to local methodology" |