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Operations CXO Status Report

Friday 19 August 2022 9.00am EDT

During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned.

Following the entry to Bright-Star Hold (BSH) at 9:49am EDT on Aug. 11, loads for a replanned schedule were uplinked on Aug 13 with approximately 149ks of observing loss. Planned observations of NGC2366, ColdECSBlankSky, DQTau, RXCJ2014.8-2430, G10.2-0.3, CMZMolecularCloud, NGC5005, GDHInt33, RXCJ2014.8-2430, GDH11, and KeplerSNR were impacted by the interruption and will be rescheduled.

A Chandra image release was issued on Aug 18 describing observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 4424, located about 54 million light-years from Earth in the Virgo galaxy cluster. A combination of X-ray observations from Chandra and infrared data from Hubble has revealed a star cluster about 1,300 light-years from the center of NGC 4424 with a concentrated source of X-rays at its center. The star cluster is likely the center of a small galaxy that has had most of its stars stripped away as it collides with the larger galaxy NGC 4424. The X-rays may originate from material falling slowly onto a black hole weighing between about 40,000 and 150,000 Suns. If the center of NGC 4424 contains a massive black hole, the black hole associated with the star cluster should end up orbiting it. The distance separating the pair should then shrink until gravitational waves are produced and the two massive black holes merge with each other. For details see:

The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of 4U1916-053 coordinated with NuSTAR, and an observation of NGC6357field1, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Aug 1 and is coordinated with JWST.

        Radiation Belts                     Aug 22
        NGC6357field1          ACIS-I
        Abell3936              ACIS-I
        Sh2-284                ACIS-I       Aug 23
        phiPer                 ACIS-S
        piaqr                  ACIS-S/HETG
        PKS1830-211            ACIS-S
        [FSR2007]1758          ACIS-I
        Abell3936              ACIS-I       Aug 24
        Radiation Belts
        NGC3568                ACIS-S       Aug 25
        GDH30 (5 obs)          ACIS-I
        TYC6991-475-1          HRC-I
        NGC3568                ACIS-S
        Abell2744              ACIS-I       Aug 26
        Sh2-284                ACIS-I
        JWST-DTDF-1            ACIS-I
        piaqr                  ACIS-S/HETG  Aug 27
        Radiation Belts
        IRAS13197m1627_s5      ACIS-S
        RXCJ2014.8-2430        ACIS-S
        SDSSJ142222.88+07483   ACIS-S       Aug 28
        4U1916-053             ACIS-S/HETG


All spacecraft subsystems except HRC continued to support nominal operations.

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