Scientists supported by NASA grants and contracts are required to release newsworthy information through NASA channels. NASA has "first right of refusal" for such items. NASA has a policy to distribute all information and news fairly and equitably. This policy also means that exclusive news releases are not supportable.
Scientists with potentially newsworthy observations are encouraged to contact the CXC Press Officer or Press Scientist directly or through the public affairs office (PAO) of their organization. CXC, MSFC, and NASA HQ will coordinate with the PIs, or PAO in the preparation of a draft news release and other ancillary materials such as images, videos, captions, and social media posts.
After approval (of press release by NASA HQ , CXC and NASA HQ will coordinate with the PI and their home institution if appropriate to set a date for release. The press release date will be timed to coincide with acceptance of the research for publication in a science journal, or presentation at a major astronomical meeting. Occasionally, if results are particularly significant, the PI might be asked to participate in a press conference.
If the CXC decides not to pursue a press release for a given result, a press release can be prepared and distributed independently by the PI’s institution, as per mutual agreement.
Contacts:Megan Watzke, CXC Press Officer
phone: 617.953.5411
Dr. Peter Edmonds, Chandra Press Scientist
phone: 617.496.1917