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Operations CXO Status Report

Friday 9 July 2004 12:00am EDT

During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to include an observation of 1E 1048.1-5937 that was approved as a fast 3-day turn-around Target Of Opportunity (TOO) on July 5 and an observation of XRF040701 which was also approved as a TOO. Loads were replanned and uplinked on July 7 for observing on July 8. Observations of SCULPTOR DWARF SPH and HR 7329 B were impacted by the TOO and will be rescheduled for a later load.

A real-time procedure was completed on July 8 to dump the contents of checksummed memory in the on-board computer in preparation for a recompilation of the flight software.

The targets recommended for acceptance from the Cycle-6 Peer review were posted on July 2. For details see:

A Chandra press release was issued on July 6 describing observations of the Cloverleaf Quasar, a single object whose image has been reproduced four times in a cloverleaf-like arrangement through a process known as gravitational lensing. For details see:

Of note was the release on July 7 of the CIAO 3.1 analysis software system together with CALDB 2.27. The release includes an update to the ACIS events processing tool to include a time-dependent gain adjustment.

The observing schedule for next week is shown below and includes a TOO observation of V4641 Sgr and coordinated observations of NGC 6218 and the bulge of M31 with HST:

SCULPTOR DWARF SPH      ACIS-S       Jul 11 
Mkn 421                 ACIS-S/LETG 
Radiation Belts                      Jul 12 
Mkn 421 (2 obs)         ACIS-S/LETG  Jul 13 
1E 1048.1-5937		ACIS-S       Jul 15 
Radiation Belts
PSR 0355+54             ACIS-S       Jul 16 
CL1213+0253             ACIS-I       Jul 17 
V4641 Sgr               ACIS-S
NGC 6218                ACIS-S
M31-bulge               ACIS-I
XRF040701               ACIS-I


All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.

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