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Operations CXO Status Report

Friday 23 May 2003 8.30am EDT

During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned.

The IRU-1 gyro-1 current remained at ~150mA (its yellow limit) with continued noisy behavior separated by quiescent periods.

A Chandra press release was issued on May 21 describing observations of the two distant galaxies 3C294 and 4C41.17 that show how super massive black holes control the growth of massive galaxies in the distant universe. For details see:

Preparations are complete for the May 25-29 American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Nashville and include two Chandra press releases.

The observing schedule for next week is shown below and includes a series of observations of the Fornax cluster of galaxies.

B3 1659+399            ACIS-S       May 25
XTE J1906+09           ACIS-I
Fornax Cluster (2 obs) ACIS-I       May 26
Radiation Belts                     May 27
H1743-322              ACIS-S/HETG
A1744-361              ACIS-S       May 28
Fornax Cluster (2 obs) ACIS-I
Radiation Belts                     May 30
SN 2003BG              ACIS-S
A4038                  ACIS-I       May 31
SDSS J000654.11-001533 ACIS-S
Fornax Cluster (2 obs) ACIS-I


All spacecraft subsystems, with the exception of the MUPS thruster A-1 under investigation, continued to operate nominally.

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