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More Images of Cen A

Centaurus A (NGC 5128): X Ray - Optical Comparison
This picture shows the Chandra X-ray image overlaid on the optical image of Centaurus A. The optical image shows that Centaurus A is an elliptical galaxy with huge dust lanes across the middle of the galaxy. This has led astronomers to speculate that Centaurus A was the site of a merger between a small spiral galaxy and a large elliptical galaxy several hundred million years ago. Such a merger could have provided a large supply of gas for a central black hole that triggered the explosive activity observed by X-ray and radio telescopes. The energetic central region, or nucleus, is obscured by the dust lanes in optical images, but shines clearly in X-rays, as do the dramatic jet structures extending in either direction from the nucleus well beyond the edges of the galaxy.

X RAY: Chandra X Ray Observatory/High Resolution Camera image (Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO)

OPTICAL: Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory 4-meter Blanco telescope image (Credit: AURA/NOAO/NSF))

Centaurus A (NGC 5128): X Ray - Optical Comparison
X-ray - Optical Composite with scale bar. (Scale bar = 1 arcmin)

X RAY: Chandra X Ray Observatory/High Resolution Camera image (Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO)

OPTICAL: Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory 4-meter Blanco telescope image (Credit: AURA/NOAO/NSF)

Chandra X-ray Image with Scale Bar
Scale bar = 1 arcmin

X RAY: Chandra X Ray Observatory/High Resolution Camera image(Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO)

Return to Centaurus A (25 Oct 99)