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Chandra Images by Category: Exoplanets

-An exoplanet is any planet beyond our Solar System.

12 Jun 24
A study of 57 nearby exoplanets.
20 Apr 23
A survey of supernovas and the threat posed by intense X-rays to life on planets.
02 Nov 22
A study of nearly three dozen exoplanets and their host stars.
25 Oct 21
A galaxy located about 28 million light years from Earth.
30 Oct 20
(Barnard's Star)
A red dwarf star located about 6 light years from Earth
18 Jul 18
A young star located about 450 light years from Earth
06 Sep 17
Sun-like stars: A survey of 24 Sun-like stars more than a billion years old
11 Oct 16
Proxima Centauri is a small, cool, red dwarf star.
13 Jun 16
A group of stars which on average is about 160 light years from Earth.
16 Sep 14
An exoplanet about ten times Jupiter's mass located some 330 light years from Earth.
29 Jul 13
An exoplanet in orbit around a star about 63 light years from Earth.
13 Sep 11
A star with a planet in very close orbit around it, about 880 light years from Earth.