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Chandra Images by Date: 2013
17 Dec 13
The shortened names of a system that will evolve into a rare class of binary stars in the future.
17 Dec 13
The shortened names of a system that will evolve into a rare class of binary stars in the future.
04 Dec 13
A neutron star and normal star binary pair about 26,000 light years away in the Milky Way galaxy.
20 Nov 13
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way
15 Nov 13
A supernova remnant located about 10,000 light years from Earth
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
24 Oct 13
The supermassive black hole about 26,000 light years from Earth at the center of the Milky Way
26 Sep 13
These two images show a large change in X-ray brightness of a rapidly rotating neutron star, or pulsar, between 2006 and 2013.
24 Sep 13
A galaxy about 54 million light years from Earth.
19 Sep 13
A collection of thousands of galaxies about 320 million light years from Earth.
29 Aug 13
The supermassive black hole located 26,000 light years from Earth in the center of the Milky Way.
14 Aug 13
A giant cloud of superheated gas that is likely caused by a collision between galaxies.
29 Jul 13
An exoplanet in orbit around a star about 63 light years from Earth.
11 Jul 13
A Sun-like star in its end phase of life.
26 Jun 13
A supernova remnant in the Milky Way located about 28,000 light years from Earth
12 Jun 13
(Andromeda Galaxy)
A spiral galaxy located 2.5 million light years from our own.
23 May 13
A magnetar located in our galaxy, about 6,500 light years from Earth.
15 May 13
A galaxy located about 850 million light years from Earth.
30 Apr 13
A pair of colliding spiral galaxies about 330 million light years from Earth.
17 Apr 13
A supernova remnant whose progenitor explosion was seen from Earth over a thousand years ago.
03 Apr 13
Young stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, one of the closest galaxies to our Milky Way.
18 Mar 13
A long Chandra observation gives clues about the origin of the Kepler SNR.
15 Mar 13
A newly discovered supernova remnant by Swift in the Milky Way is among the youngest known.
06 Mar 13
A globular cluster located about 15,000 light years from Earth.
13 Feb 13
A highly distorted supernova remnant, produced by a rare type of explosion.
28 Jan 13
A superbubble located in the Large Magellanic Cloud about 160,000 light years from Earth.
07 Jan 13
A new Chandra movie of the Vela pulsar shows it may be