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Hubble Image of NGC 5548, with
Chandra X-ray Spectrum of Central Region
The Hubble Space Telescope image of the galaxy NGC 5548 shows the intensely bright central region, or nucleus, which is thought to contain a giant black hole. The inset shows the Chandra X-ray Observatory spectrum of the multimillion degree gas near the black hole.
(Credit: Optical: NASA/HST; X-ray: NASA/SRON/CXC/SAO)
The Hubble Space Telescope image of the galaxy NGC 5548 shows the intensely bright central region, or nucleus, which is thought to contain a giant black hole. The inset shows the Chandra X-ray Observatory spectrum of the multimillion degree gas near the black hole.
(Credit: Optical: NASA/HST; X-ray: NASA/SRON/CXC/SAO)
Chandra image of the central region
of the galaxy NGC 5548
The X rays in this Chandra image of the central region of the galaxy are consistent with a point-like source. Virtually all of the X rays are believed to come from hot gas very close to a giant black hole in the center of the galaxy. The extent of the source, the spike-like features and the diagonal streak are all instrumental artifacts.
(Credit: NASA/SRON)
The X rays in this Chandra image of the central region of the galaxy are consistent with a point-like source. Virtually all of the X rays are believed to come from hot gas very close to a giant black hole in the center of the galaxy. The extent of the source, the spike-like features and the diagonal streak are all instrumental artifacts.
(Credit: NASA/SRON)
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