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Chandra X-ray Image of Coma
Cluster(Black & White)
(Credit: NASA/SAO/A.Vikhlinin et al.)
Central region of the composite exposure-corrected ACIS-I image of Coma in the 0.5 2 keV energy band. The narrow band running from the bottom left to the top right is the chip gap; it disappears in the smoothed image.
Scale: Image is 18.2 arcmin on a side.
(Credit: NASA/SAO/A.Vikhlinin et al.)
Central region of the composite exposure-corrected ACIS-I image of Coma in the 0.5 2 keV energy band. The narrow band running from the bottom left to the top right is the chip gap; it disappears in the smoothed image.
Scale: Image is 18.2 arcmin on a side.
Return to Coma Cluster 04 Apr 02)