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DSS Optical Image
of NGC 4438 & NGC 4435
This optical image from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) shows the galaxies NGC 4435 (upper right) and NGC 4438 (lower left). The field of view is the same as the Chandra image.
Scale: Image is 397 x 553 arcsec
(Credit: Pal.Obs. DSS)
This optical image from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) shows the galaxies NGC 4435 (upper right) and NGC 4438 (lower left). The field of view is the same as the Chandra image.
Scale: Image is 397 x 553 arcsec
(Credit: Pal.Obs. DSS)
KPNO Optical (H-alpha) image of NGC
The optical (H-alpha) image of NGC 4438 shows long filaments of gas extending to the right of the galaxies. Taken by the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), the image is a smaller field of view than the Chandra image and does not include NGC 4435.
Scale: Image is 372 x 390 arcsec
(Credit: NOAO/KPNO)
The optical (H-alpha) image of NGC 4438 shows long filaments of gas extending to the right of the galaxies. Taken by the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), the image is a smaller field of view than the Chandra image and does not include NGC 4435.
Scale: Image is 372 x 390 arcsec
(Credit: NOAO/KPNO)
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