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X-ray, IR & Radio Composite Images of Quintuplet Cluster
Large filamentary structures are seen in radio waves (red) in the wide field image of the area surrounding the Quintuplet. The close-up view shows the Quintuplet star cluster in X-ray (blue) and infrared (green). Named for its five brightest stars at infrared wavelengths, the Quintuplet is known to be home to hundreds of stars. Several of these are very massive stars that are rapidly losing gas from their surfaces in high-speed stellar winds. Collisions from these winds are what astronomers believe to be the source for the point-like concentrations seen in the Chandra image.
Scale: Radio: Image is 28 x 32 arcmin;
X-ray/IR: Images are 0.6 arcmin per side.
(Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/NWU/C.Law & F.Zadeh;
IR: NASA/ESO/STScI/D.Figer et al.;
Radio: NRAO/AUI/NSF/F.Zadeh et al.)
Large filamentary structures are seen in radio waves (red) in the wide field image of the area surrounding the Quintuplet. The close-up view shows the Quintuplet star cluster in X-ray (blue) and infrared (green). Named for its five brightest stars at infrared wavelengths, the Quintuplet is known to be home to hundreds of stars. Several of these are very massive stars that are rapidly losing gas from their surfaces in high-speed stellar winds. Collisions from these winds are what astronomers believe to be the source for the point-like concentrations seen in the Chandra image.
Scale: Radio: Image is 28 x 32 arcmin;
X-ray/IR: Images are 0.6 arcmin per side.
(Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/NWU/C.Law & F.Zadeh;
IR: NASA/ESO/STScI/D.Figer et al.;
Radio: NRAO/AUI/NSF/F.Zadeh et al.)
Hubble Infrared Images of Quintuplet Cluster
Because dust blocks visible light from the Galactic Center, the Quintuplet Cluster was not discovered until 1990 when it was detected with an infrared telescope. Named for its five brightest stars at infrared wavelengths, the Quintuplet is known to be home to hundreds of stars, including the brightest star seen in the Galaxy, called the Pistol star. This image of the Quintuplet was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope on September 14, 1997 (left). In Hubble's 3-color wide field image (right, note this image is rotated), the false colors correspond to infrared wavelengths: galactic center stars are white, red stars are enshrouded in dust or behind dust, and blue stars are foreground stars between us and the Milky Way's center.
More at Hubble
Scale: Left image is 0.6 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/ESO/STScI/D.Figer et al.)
Because dust blocks visible light from the Galactic Center, the Quintuplet Cluster was not discovered until 1990 when it was detected with an infrared telescope. Named for its five brightest stars at infrared wavelengths, the Quintuplet is known to be home to hundreds of stars, including the brightest star seen in the Galaxy, called the Pistol star. This image of the Quintuplet was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope on September 14, 1997 (left). In Hubble's 3-color wide field image (right, note this image is rotated), the false colors correspond to infrared wavelengths: galactic center stars are white, red stars are enshrouded in dust or behind dust, and blue stars are foreground stars between us and the Milky Way's center.
More at Hubble
Scale: Left image is 0.6 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/ESO/STScI/D.Figer et al.)
VLA Radio Image of Quintuplet Cluster
This image of the area surrounding the Quintuplet Cluster was taken on March 31, 1984 with NRAO's Very Large Array (VLA). Displayed in red, the image shows the spectacular filamentary structures that appear in centimeter radio wavelengths.
Scale: Image is 28 x 32 arcmin
(Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF/F.Zadeh et al.)
This image of the area surrounding the Quintuplet Cluster was taken on March 31, 1984 with NRAO's Very Large Array (VLA). Displayed in red, the image shows the spectacular filamentary structures that appear in centimeter radio wavelengths.
Scale: Image is 28 x 32 arcmin
(Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF/F.Zadeh et al.)
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