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More Images of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary
tycho thumbnail Tycho X-ray
Jpeg, Tif
g292 thumbnail G292 X-ray
Jpeg, Tif
crab nebula thumbnail Crab Nebula X-ray
Jpeg, Tif
3c58 thumbnail 3C58 X-ray
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tycho thumbnail Tycho X-ray-Optical
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G292 X-ray-Optical
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Crab Nebula X-ray-Optical
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3C58 X-ray-Optical
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Tycho Optical
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G292 Optical
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Crab Nebula Optical
Jpeg, Tif
3C58 Optical
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Crab Nebula B 2-7keV
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Crab Nebula G 1.2-2keV
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Crab Nebula R 0.5-1.2keV
Jpeg, Tif

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory Celebrates 15th Anniversary
These four newly processed images of supernova remnants dramatically illustrate Chandra's unique ability to explore high-energy processes in the cosmos. The images of the Tycho and G292.0+1.8 supernova remnants show how Chandra can trace the expanding debris of an exploded star and the associated shock waves that rumble through interstellar space at speeds of millions of miles per hour. The images of the Crab Nebula and 3C58 show how extremely dense, rapidly rotating neutron stars produced when a massive star explodes can create clouds of high-energy particles light years across that glow brightly in X-rays. Also shown are DSS optical fields around the supernova remnants.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO)

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