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Illustration of GRB 140903A
This artist's illustration depicts the aftermath of a neutron star merger, including the generation of a Gamma-ray burst (GRB). In the center is a compact object - either a black hole or a massive neutron star - and in red is a disk of material left over from the merger, containing material falling towards the compact object. Energy from this infalling material drives the GRB jet shown in yellow. In orange is a wind of particles blowing away from the disk and in blue is material ejected from the compact object and expanding at very high speeds of about one tenth the speed of light.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
This artist's illustration depicts the aftermath of a neutron star merger, including the generation of a Gamma-ray burst (GRB). In the center is a compact object - either a black hole or a massive neutron star - and in red is a disk of material left over from the merger, containing material falling towards the compact object. Energy from this infalling material drives the GRB jet shown in yellow. In orange is a wind of particles blowing away from the disk and in blue is material ejected from the compact object and expanding at very high speeds of about one tenth the speed of light.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
X-ray & Optical Images of GRB 140903A
The image on the left shows the aftermath of the Gamma-ray burst (GRB) in X-rays with Chandra. Chandra observations of how the X-ray emission from this GRB decreases over time provide important information about the properties of the jet. The image on the right shows an optical view from the Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT) with GRB 140903A in the middle of the square. The bright star in the optical image to the right of the middle is unrelated to the GRB.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Maryland/E. Troja et al, Optical: Lowell Observatory's Discovery Channel Telescope/E.Troja et al.)
The image on the left shows the aftermath of the Gamma-ray burst (GRB) in X-rays with Chandra. Chandra observations of how the X-ray emission from this GRB decreases over time provide important information about the properties of the jet. The image on the right shows an optical view from the Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT) with GRB 140903A in the middle of the square. The bright star in the optical image to the right of the middle is unrelated to the GRB.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Maryland/E. Troja et al, Optical: Lowell Observatory's Discovery Channel Telescope/E.Troja et al.)
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