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3D model of V745 Sco
This illustrated figure depicts the 3D model of the V745 Sco explosion. The blast wave is yellow, the mass ejected by the explosion is purple, and the disk of cooler material, which is mostly untouched by the effects of the blast wave, is blue. The cavity visible on the left side of the ejected material (see the labeled version) is the result of the debris from the white dwarf’s surface being slowed down as it strikes the red giant.
(Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
This illustrated figure depicts the 3D model of the V745 Sco explosion. The blast wave is yellow, the mass ejected by the explosion is purple, and the disk of cooler material, which is mostly untouched by the effects of the blast wave, is blue. The cavity visible on the left side of the ejected material (see the labeled version) is the result of the debris from the white dwarf’s surface being slowed down as it strikes the red giant.
(Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
Optical Image of V745 Sco
This image of V745 Sco (also known as Nova 1937) was taken on February 6, 2014 by S. O'Conner (OCN, St. Georges, Bermuda). Scale: 16 arcmin x 16 arcmin.
(Credit: S. O'Connor (OCN, St. Georges, Bermuda)
This image of V745 Sco (also known as Nova 1937) was taken on February 6, 2014 by S. O'Conner (OCN, St. Georges, Bermuda). Scale: 16 arcmin x 16 arcmin.
(Credit: S. O'Connor (OCN, St. Georges, Bermuda)
Still Images of 3D Print
Astronomers observed V745 Sco with Chandra a little over two weeks after the 2014 outburst. Their key finding was it appeared that most of the material ejected by the explosion was moving towards us. To explain this, a team of scientists from the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, the University of Palermo, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics constructed a three-dimensional (3D) computer model of the explosion, and adjusted the model until it explained the observations. In this model they included a large disk of cool gas around the equator of the binary caused by the white dwarf pulling on a wind of gas streaming away from the red giant. A 3D print of the model was also created (pictured above). This 3D print was simplified and printed in two parts, the blast wave (grey) and the ejected material (yellow). Technical printing specifications:
Blast wave: 9.5 hours on DaVinci, 24 hours on Ultimaker 3
Ejected material: 4 hours on DV, 20 hours UM3
Combined blast wave & ejecta, 2 color: n/a on DV, 40 hours on UM3
*DaVinci = consumer-grade printer set to "good" quality using PLA
*UM3 = pro printer at 0.1 mm with PLA
(Credit: S. Orlando (INAF-Osservatorio Astro. di Palermo) & NASA/CXC/SAO/A.Jubett et al.)
V745 Ejecta stl files
V745 Blast wave stl files
V745 Combined stl files
Astronomers observed V745 Sco with Chandra a little over two weeks after the 2014 outburst. Their key finding was it appeared that most of the material ejected by the explosion was moving towards us. To explain this, a team of scientists from the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, the University of Palermo, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics constructed a three-dimensional (3D) computer model of the explosion, and adjusted the model until it explained the observations. In this model they included a large disk of cool gas around the equator of the binary caused by the white dwarf pulling on a wind of gas streaming away from the red giant. A 3D print of the model was also created (pictured above). This 3D print was simplified and printed in two parts, the blast wave (grey) and the ejected material (yellow). Technical printing specifications:
Blast wave: 9.5 hours on DaVinci, 24 hours on Ultimaker 3
Ejected material: 4 hours on DV, 20 hours UM3
Combined blast wave & ejecta, 2 color: n/a on DV, 40 hours on UM3
*DaVinci = consumer-grade printer set to "good" quality using PLA
*UM3 = pro printer at 0.1 mm with PLA
(Credit: S. Orlando (INAF-Osservatorio Astro. di Palermo) & NASA/CXC/SAO/A.Jubett et al.)
V745 Ejecta stl files
V745 Blast wave stl files
V745 Combined stl files
V745 Sco (September 18, 2017)