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Black Holes Can Cook for Themselves, Chandra Study Shows
Filaments in Clusters
Visual Description:

  • The centers of galaxy clusters contain the universe’s most massive galaxies, which contains giant black holes.

  • Outbursts in the form of jets from the black holes trigger hot gas to cool and form narrow filaments of warm gas.

  • Some of the gas in these warm filaments eventually flows back to the black hole, triggering another outburst.

  • NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, along with optical data, were used in this study.

Astronomers have taken a crucial step in showing that the most massive black holes in the universe can create their own meals. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) provide new evidence that outbursts from black holes can help cool down gas to feed themselves.

This study was based on observations of seven clusters of galaxies. The centers of galaxy clusters contain the universe’s most massive galaxies, which harbor huge black holes with masses ranging from millions to tens of billions of times that of the Sun. Jets from these black holes are driven by the black holes feasting on gas.

These images show two of the galaxy clusters in the study, the Perseus Cluster and the Centaurus Cluster. Chandra data represented in blue reveals X-rays from filaments of hot gas, and data from the VLT, an optical telescope in Chile, shows cooler filaments in red.

The results support a model where outbursts from the black holes trigger hot gas to cool and form narrow filaments of warm gas. Turbulence in the gas also plays an important role in this triggering process.

According to this model, some of the warm gas in these filaments should then flow into the centers of the galaxies to feed the black holes, causing an outburst. The outburst causes more gas to cool and feed the black holes, leading to further outbursts.

This model predicts there will be a relationship between the brightness of filaments of hot and warm gas in the centers of galaxy clusters. More specifically, in regions where the hot gas is brighter, the warm gas should also be brighter. The team of astronomers has, for the first time, discovered such a relationship, giving critical support for the model.

This result also provides new understanding of these gas-filled filaments, which are important not just for feeding black holes but also for causing new stars to form. This advance was made possible by an innovative technique that isolates the hot filaments in the Chandra X-ray data from other structures, including large cavities in the hot gas created by the black hole’s jets.

The newly found relationship for these filaments shows remarkable similarity to the one found in the tails of jellyfish galaxies, which have had gas stripped away from them as they travel through surrounding gas, forming long tails. This similarity reveals an unexpected cosmic connection between the two objects and implies a similar process is occurring in these objects.

This work was led by Valeria Olivares from the University of Santiago de Chile, and was published Monday in Nature Astronomy and is available online. The study brought together international experts in optical and X-ray observations and simulations from the United States, Chile, Australia, Canada, and Italy. The work relied on the capabilities of the MUSE (Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer) instrument on the VLT, which generates 3D views of the universe.

NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, manages the Chandra program. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Chandra X-ray Center controls science operations from Cambridge, Massachusetts, and flight operations from Burlington, Massachusetts.


Visual Description:

This release features composite images shown side-by-side of two different galaxy clusters, each with a central black hole surrounded by patches and filaments of gas. The galaxy clusters, known as Perseus and Centaurus, are two of seven galaxy clusters observed as part of an international study led by the University of Santiago de Chile.

In each image, a patch of purple with neon pink veins floats in the blackness of space, surrounded by flecks of light. At the center of each patch is a glowing, bright white dot. The bright white dots are black holes. The purple patches represent hot X-ray gas, and the neon pink veins represent filaments of warm gas. According to the model published in the study, jets from the black holes impact the hot X-ray gas. This gas cools into warm filaments, with some warm gas flowing back into the black hole. The return flow of warm gas causes jets to again cool the hot gas, triggering the cycle once again.

While the images of the two galaxy clusters are broadly similar, there are significant visual differences. In the image of the Perseus Cluster on the left, the surrounding flecks of light are larger and brighter, making the individual galaxies they represent easier to discern. Here, the purple gas has a blue tint, and the hot pink filaments appear solid, as if rendered with quivering strokes of a paintbrush. In the image of the Centaurus Cluster on the right, the purple gas appears softer, with a more diffuse quality. The filaments are rendered in more detail, with feathery edges, and gradation in color ranging from pale pink to neon red.


Fast Facts for Perseus Cluster:
Credit  X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/V. Olivares et al.; Optical/IR: DSS; H-alpha: CFHT/SITELLE; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/N. Wolk
Release Date  January 27, 2025
Scale  Image is about 6.4 arcmin (450,000 light-years) across.
Category  Groups and Clusters of Galaxies
Coordinates (J2000)  RA 3h 19m 47.71 | Dec +41° 31´ 15.8"
Constellation  Perseus
Observation Dates  29 observations between Sep 20, 1999 and Nov 7, 2016
Observation Time  416 hours 45 minutes (17 days 8 hours 45 minutes)
Obs. ID  428, 502, 503, 3209, 3404, 1513, 4289, 4946, 4947, 3939-4953, 6139, 6145, 6146, 11713-11716, 12025, 12033, 12036, 12037, 19568, 19913-19915
Instrument  ACIS
References Olivares, V. et al. 2025, Nature Astronomy; arXiv:2501.01902
Color Code  X-ray: blue; Optical: red, green, blue; H-alpha: red
Distance Estimate  About 240 million light-years from Earth
distance arrow

Fast Facts for Centaurus Cluster:
Credit  X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/V. Olivaresi et al.; Optical/IR: NASA/ESA/STScI; H-alpha: ESO/VLT/MUSE; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/N. Wolk
Release Date  January 27, 2025
Scale  Image is about 1.4 arcmin (57,000 light-years) across.
Category  Groups and Clusters of Galaxies
Coordinates (J2000)  RA 12h 48m 49.2s | Dec -41° 18´ 43.8"
Constellation  Centaurus
Observation Dates  16 observations from May 22, 2000 to Jun 05, 2014
Observation Time  240 hours 1 minute (10 days 1 minutes)
Obs. ID  504 ,505 ,1560 ,4190, 4191, 4954, 4955 ,5310, 16223-16225 ,16534 ,16607-16610
Instrument  ACIS
References Olivares, V. et al. 2025, Nature Astronomy; arXiv:2501.01902
Color Code  X-ray: blue; Optical/IR: red, green, blue; H-alpha: red
Distance Estimate  About 145 million light-years from Earth
distance arrow
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